the brewing note

Ideas are imaginations brewed with passion.

"I believe that if one man were to live out his life fully and completely, were to give form to every feeling, expression to every thought, reality to every dream ..." - Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

my muse :

coffee  |  reflection |  waves

lingering thoughts on dreams and reality ...

“A dream is real while it lasts. Can you say more of life?” - Henry Havelock Ellis

People say, “Life is a dream”. I hold no reservation with this statement. After all, what is reality but a world that we all experience daily, and thus get familiar with and gradually become completely used to it? I believe our brain has an infinite potential in creating different versions of ‘reality’, whether it be hallucination, or dream, or psychological distortion known as psychosis; At the end of the day, everything we see or perceive is something processed by our brain. Our mind acts as an architect where only ‘reality’ is a shared and common ground for all human beings. That explains why people think what the majority see with their eyes are normal, and name this state the ‘real life’.

In fact, after seeing the movie “Inception” by Christopher Nolan, I have come to realize that reality is presented as senses-dominated, whilst hallucination and dream states are mind-dominated – your eyes are closed when you are asleep, hence the only functioning part of your body is your brain. In a dream, our brain acts as a virtual reality generator in which it generates sensory stimuli for itself and interprets it for itself, thereby creating a conscious imagination- building the whole scenario in a dream. - archived in Sep 2014

my home ♡ hong kong