03. Business Needs VS Users Needs
Project Highlights:

Case Study |  Balance between Stakeholders |  Design Thinking

Client: SuiGor 水哥| 7 -18 Feb 2022

UX Research - Empathy Map, Persona, User Stories
Customer Journey Map Onboarding Journey Analysis

Main Role: Customer Journey and Onboarding Analysis
Collaborated with peers on user interviews and UI development

Team: Natalie Cheung, Elaine Au
Kamila Abdrassilova, Ivan Ngai, Sammy Lagman, Bianca Sze

Project Framework . double-diamond process

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Business Needs > User Needs ?

From the users’ interviews, the interviewees expressed that they felt invasive and uncomfortable entering credit card details before the trial period.
Thinking process & solution:
We built a user flow chart below showing that the friction becomes lower with our proposed change.
We propose to defer the step of asking the user for their credit card details towards the end of the trial period. This is to avoid losing potential users who are put off by this request before even trying the service.

Enhance credibility & Gain Users’ Trust

1. Understand what factors prompt the users to pay for a service
2. Provide context for payment
i.e. Send reminder message towards the end of trial period
→ User has experienced the functions of the product
→ User understands this is a necessary action to proceed to payment and subscribe

Design Thinking - detailed planning before execution

It is crucial to understand well the users’ needs & values in the first place to create an effective product. Define and know what’s the right thing to build, in order to build the things right.

Business’ needs X Users' needs= Great business

As my first client project, I focused a lot on achieving the users' needs in the beginning. Our team has identified a lot of pain points from a user's perspective and come up with suggested changes accordingly.

Until I raised one suggestion to the client towards the end of the 2-week sprint, I realised I had put so much focus on improving the users' experience that I almost forgot SuiGor, at the end of the day, is a business which needs to be able to sustain financially in order to continue providing the service.

While it is our mission to enhance users' experience, it is crucial as well to consider the business needs to obtain a practical solution and sustainable business in the long run. The two go hand in hand  -  a better user experience fosters customer growth, thence the better the business goes; a well-sustained business with the right resources allocation and an user-centred design approach brings about evolving experience enhancements.