02. Know the User - Usability Testing
Project Highlights:

Usability Testing |  Prospective Questions |  Service Design

Client: Aportio Technologies | 28 Feb - 14 March 2022

User Research &
User Interface of Aportio’s business dashboard & Inboxagent

Main Role: Usability Testing Lead
Collaborated with peers on research and UI development

Team: Kamila Abdrassilova, Elaine Au, Natalie Cheung
Ivan Ngai, Sammy Lagman, Bianca Sze

Project Workflow

Know the Users’ Needs - Build the Right Thing

In this project, my major role was to lead the usability testing, from planning to execution and data analysis.

From this experience, I realized these sessions with the different stakeholders were extremely effective and helpful for me to understand clearly what the users need and lack with the current system.This gives a strategic direction as to how we enhance the interface focusing on the users’ needs, without running around the bush and not addressing the painpoint accurately.

Usability Testing
#1 round - Existing System

To understand the general user’s flow and identify:
- fundamental functionalities
- exisiting frictions and potential new features

Total Sessions: 4
Interviewees: 3 Managers/Admin, 2 CS Agents
Format: Remote Moderated, shared screen on Zoom
Interviewees are asked to perform a number of actions on the current Aportio system
Duration: 1 hour                                                                        
Date: 3 - 4 Mar 2022

Key Findings
- Ineffective display of dashboard data
- Limited functionalities on export page
- Rule setting constraints
- Evaluate the effectiveness of rules

Key Insights

Quick insights:
identify what’s failing in their service

filter options to select data that meets certain criteria

track specific task / service desk
customisation in rule setting

Convenience & Efficiency:

color coding, filters

Self-driven progression and enhancements:
evaluation/ assessment of rules
Personalisation and Accuracy:
checkboxes in reply box

Ability to track:
customer info details & internal log

form builder & automated response templates

#2 round - MVPs

- Compare general impressions of the new interface to current interface
- Evaluate the effectiveness and functionality of new features
- Discover potentials to enhance the MVPs

Total Sessions: 6
Interviewees: 5 Managers/Admin, 3 CS Agents
Format: Remote Moderated, shared screen on Zoom
Interviewees are asked to perform a number of actions on the new interfaces (MVPs)
Duration: 30 mins                                                                     
Date: 9 -11 Mar 2022

“I find this new interface more modern and more engaging”
“It’s easy to understand the dashboard and how the filter function works”
“Looks clean and clear, the brand colour is consistently used in the dashboard.
Every card has been divided clearly.”

View Full Project Report

Final MVP

Full Prototype: Agent / 
Manager & Admin

Prospective Questions

Replace manual rule setting
1. Can AI detect and generate rules automatically to improve the system service?

Single processing of emails
2. Can Aportio be the single source of communication channel for the customer; in order to synthesize all incoming mails/ requests based on the system metrics?

Minimize manpower
3. What are the actions that only human agents can perform whilst AI cannot?